Meet the Evacuees

We have interviewed over 90 people for the Children on the Move project. These include not only former evacuees, but also members of host families and local people who remember evacuees coming to their areas and filling their schools. Many still live in Staffordshire and the Midlands and were interviewed in their homes or at local libraries. Others now live as far away as Kent, Bournemouth and Wales, and were interviewed over the telephone about their experiences of evacuation.

To find out more about a particular person’s memories of evacuation and hear clips from their interview, simply use your mouse to click on their name or the Read more link and you will be taken to a separate page with information including photographs and audio clips from their original interview. Once you have selected a story, you can come back to this page or read all of the stories using the ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ links at the top of that page.

This page only shows twenty stories at a time, so if you can’t find a story you want to read simply refresh this page to see a different selection. Or, if you know the name of the person’s story you would like to read about, type their name into the search box at the top right of this page.

John Woodward

John Woodward was extremely happy to be told he was going to be billeted on a farm in Elford. His favourite toy as a boy has been a toy farm!

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Ivy Wilson

Ivy Wilson was billeted in Hints, a tiny hamlet with just six houses and six other children. All of these were boys, so she often got into mischief!

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Max Reynolds

Max and his mother took in a number of evacuees and lodgers from the nearby RAF base during World War II. He enjoyed sharing his home with this wide range of different people.

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Shirley Webb

Shirley was billeted in a huge house in Colton with her younger brother. Here, she received very little warmth from the host family, and spent most of her time with the servants, who were lovely.

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Ethel Rice

Ethel was evacuated with her family to Burton upon Trent after picking hops in Kent. She remembers the taste of hops on her fingers made her sandwiches taste funny...

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George Emptage

George was evacuated from Margate to Tamworth. He was billeted on a farm in Clifton Campville and expected to do much work to earn his keep.

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Barbara Gull

Barbara Gull stayed with the Mellor family on their farm with her sister and cousins. She had stayed with the Mellors before war broke out, so knew that she would be well looked after.

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Dorothy Jarvis

When Dorothy Jarvis was evacuated to Alton from Longsight, Manchester, she was awestruck by the beauty of the buildings and thought she was in 'fairy land'.

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Jean Shone

A teacher from Margate stayed with Jean and her parents. She was soon followed by her mother and father, who couldn't bear to be without her!

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Gordon Baker

Gordon Baker was evacuated to Shooting Butts along with his fellow boarders Morris Pell and 'Oxo' Bates.

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Peter Haynes

Peter's father was appointed Billeting Officer for Stoke-on-Trent and he remembers the pressures associated with the sudden arrivals.

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Tony Longdon

Tony was 8 when he was evacuated from Bexhill-on-Sea to Stoke-on-Trent. He had his first oatcake in 1941 and has been stuck on them ever since.

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Peter Cotton

An evacuee called Ken was left on a bus in Chesterton with no billet family to take him in, so Peter cried until his mother took him home...

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Elizabeth Barker

Elizabeth Barker was evacuated with her two younger sisters first to Norfolk and then Dilhorne, Staffordshire. The cousin of her two friends in Dilhorne was to be her future husband...

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Rob Weston

Rob was a young boy in Alton when evacuees from Manchester arrived. They didn't stop long but he had a crush on one of them, who he would have walked through fire and water for!

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Sydney Cox

Sydney Cox was moved to Swythamley from his first evacuation in Norfolk. He was very happy to live in the countryside and only returned home because his grandfather found him a job.

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Olga Harvey

Olga and her brother were 'running wild' in the streets of Birmingham during the WWII bombing. That was until arrangements were made for their evacuation.

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Vera Jenkins

On the way to their evacuation in Staffordshire, Vera's sister June decided to go against their mother's wishes and be billeted with her friend. That was until their mother found out...

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Beryl Alderson

Beryl's parents took on two evacuees during the Second World War. One of these girls, Muriel, was a very lovable character, who spent an age getting ready for school in the morning.

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Nev & Alma James

Alma and Neville James were growing up in Staffordshire at the same time and can remember evacuees coming to Rugeley and Colton respectively.

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