Lessons and Activities

Here you will find links to all the lessons, activities and resources:Little Girl Evacuee

1 What was it like to be evacuated in WWII.pptx
2 Finding a new home in Staffordshire 1.pptx
3 Map Activity.pdf

4 Finding a new home in Staffordshire 2.pptx
5 Design an Evacuee Postcard Activity.pptx
6 What was it like for children in billet families.pptx

Sources for use with Presentations.pdf
Transcriptions of Oral History Audio Clips.pdf

Teachers Pack and Lesson Plans.pdf

These resources are designed to make the work of the Children on the Move project more accessible for primary school children, particularly Key Stage 2.  They give pupils the opportunity to learn about World War II evacuation from the first-hand accounts of the people who actually experienced it.

Technical Note

The audio clips will only play within lesson presentations if you are using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and above. If you are having problems playing the audio clips or are using an older version of PowerPoint, the audio clips for all presentations can be downloaded separately here. They can then be played manually outside PowerPoint using Windows Media Player or equivalent.